Thursday, November 11, 2010

Take it easy....

The other day I listened to one of my favorite speakers Rob Bell. He pastors Mars Hill Bible Church. I believe that if I lived there, I would plant my roots at that church. Since I don't, I simply listen. Sometimes I don't always like what I hear....sometimes I'm not even ready for it.

Then, sometimes, I'm absolutely floored by what I hear. Right now, they're speaking on The Kingdom of God. I think the title is WEEDS. Basically, what spoke to me was the part where as believers, we want God to have already fixed us, hurry up already is sorta the sentiment. I know that sentiment all too well. I want to be completely healthy & whole yesterday. But that is not how God's timing works.

Essentially, the message communicated to me: "Take it easy" (imagine the Eagles playing in the background).

So, today, I'm gonna do exactly that.

Monday, August 30, 2010



So, it's not even the beginning of September, but 3 years ago (September 2007) I started this blog, sortof a way to put many of my rambling thoughts down on "virtual" paper, if you will. I wanted my writing to expand, to develop, to become more than what it was...I wanted my posts to breathe, to have weight, to shed light on things that mattered to me.

I want to once again pick up the "pen & paper" & have a voice. I'm back in the ring, back on the saddle, in the game again....I'm sure I could think of a few other overused axioms to fill in...

I think I still have a few wild hairs left, & who knows, maybe I'll have an epiphany or two yet. I can certainly always ramble...