Monday, January 31, 2011

Sometimes You're the Windshield...

...And sometimes you're the bug.

This weekend was one of those kinda weekends. It seems like in my life when I am doing pretty well, things are moving at a certain pace, no hiccups, or obstacles to really deal with, those are the times I am supposed to look around me to see if there's someone else who is experiencing such.

This Saturday was just that. A "bug" kind of day for my roommate, my friend, one who is like family to me. She is strong for those around her, and can help in just about any situation. But, this weekend she got news that just seemed to swallow her confidence, her resolve. Luckily, she had friends & family that were able to just let her "be the bug". I am grateful that I have friends in my life that I can just completely be myself around. Hopefully, this weekend I was able to be the kind of friend she needed.

Hopefully the bug days are few & far between this year.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew...

Well, I started a new blog. He he he. I don't even consistently write this one, so I'm not sure how I am gonna maintain two. Perhaps this blog will be more of my personal writings, saved for epiphanies, wild hairs, ramblings, and the like (wink).

This other new blog I've created will hopefully be a more of a chronicle of my health. You see, I started going to a chiropractor to keep from being in pain every day. It's my hands, they hurt all the time, all day long. I've been known to wake up to them hurting.

So, to help keep myself accountable, & to account for the success, I decided to blog. I feel like Julie from the movie Julie & Julia. We'll see....

Trying to chew now.