Friday, November 30, 2007


At my office, we took a "strengths" test to better understand one another and ourselves in our working, professional environment. One of my five was "Restore". I like that word, rather enjoy it actually. It does fit me. I enjoy putting puzzles together, repairing broken items. As a matter of fact, one of my biggest annoyances is being in a situation in which I can't "troubleshoot" my way out of, one in which I cannot fix.

In fact, some of my most painful memories are ones in which I watched things crumble before me as I watched helplessly. I firmly believe in restoration, reconciliation, putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. (Am I the only one who hated the part of the story in which he fell, irrevocably broken forever?)

I am also blessed to have examples of that kind of restoration taking place. For example, my relationship with my own mother. While not perfect, we have an amicable relationship. One would not look at us, and have any sort of idea that there previously existed a chasm between us. I grant this sort of reconciliation to Providence.

But, what happens when things don't get put back together again?

I am getting used to the idea that not all things get restored. it's just not that simple.

but, there is beauty in hope, hope that something can be restored, even if it's not the exact way I had originally pictured.

--may I have the eyes to imagine a new picture--

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