Monday, February 21, 2011

How 'Bout Them Apples?

I love, absolutely love movies...especially movies that really seem to resonate. Years ago, I watched the movie, "Good Will Hunting". I distinctively remember watching it with my mom. I am from a small town, and we had to drive 30 minutes to the nearest town with a movie theatre just to see it. It was quite an occasion for she & I. I rarely watched movies in the theatre, even less so with my mom. I don't remember all of the details about that day. I do remember that our relationship wasn't doing so well. But, it's days that I miss her most that I reminisce about any memory I have, good or bad. I am happy to be at a place now in my life in which I can remember her as a whole person, not just as a person that, for lack of a better word/phrase, abused me.

I remember that I adored this movie. I recently watched it just a few days ago. I had forgotten how foul the language was & how raw the movie seemed. And I think what I liked most about the movie is the store of redemption. This guy has a horrible upbringing, being shifted to foster home to foster home, and even though he is essentially a genius, he has no sense of safety. He trusts only a few, as he's found that others will fail him. He's settled in an environment that is safe, even though it's not best. Through meeting someone else, a counselor, he is able to grasp what his life would be if he could forgive, let go of the past, and move on. It's easy to think that someone else should do that...much more difficult on our own to do such.

I love redemption & restoration. I strive for that in my own life, and try to help others achieve that in their own. Maybe that's what I love so much about the movie. Maybe that's why the memory of seeing that movie with my mom is so poignant. Every day that I miss her, I am so thankful that our relationship was restored. I am thankful for those individuals in mine & in hers that led us into a new path, one of forgiviness, faith, and hope.

Today, I am going to try to look for the story of redemption in everyone I see.

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