Monday, August 25, 2008

This Week's Theme:

-I have all of these things in my head that I want to say. It's just that they come and go so quickly I don't have enough time to write them all down-

themes in circulation at the moment:

forgiveness...letting go...losing my self-control...working way too much...


career-changing...learning about Biden

-Oh, and I just ate 3.6 oz. of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream that I bought at Kroger's for $1. Really, it's overpriced, but proportionately, the perfect amount of ice cream consumption. Yum!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lance Armstrong's One Regret

I love to listen to things at work. You'd think that I might be always wanting to "woo" it up, listening in on everyone's conversations, adding my two cents whenever I can, and basically just be my nosey self. Well, the truth is that I like to put my headphones and just ingest whatever I can, whether it be listening to new artists that sound like my favorite on or listening to interviews, audio books, and lectures one I am a bit of an information junkie.

When I saw the clip of the day being an interview with Lance Armstrong at 2007 Aspen Ideas Festival which I think is totally cool! I enjoyed the interview, and was taken back by the question and answer someone asked and Lance answered. The audience member asked him if had any regrets in his life. I assumed that naturally he might regret some sort of time that he wish he would have finished with, or something of that nature. Honestly, I expected him to cockily admit that he had not regrets, yada yada yada.

Instead, he candidly admitted that his divorce was the one thing that he regretted. And his reason for giving it was that it could never be put on the "W" shelf (for winning). But, that it would always go under the "F" shelf. And although he and his ex-wife share a amicable relationship and work to provide as much of a stable environment for their children as they can, this is something that he could not work hard enough on to salvage, and save, and keep.

I appreciate someone of his social status to admitting something like that. It is a hard thing to admit. failure. And, I don't know all the things that caused this failure of divorce in his life. But, what I do know is that overall he is not a failure. This one thing on the shelf, the "F" shelf, is just thing on the shelf. It does not define him. He has plenty of things that he can look to on the the "W" shelf.

There was a time shortly after my seperation and divorce in which I attributed everything I did wrong as a comparison to the "F" on my own divorce. I filtered every mistake through the lens of that situation. I assumed that since I had failed at that, then no wonder I was failing to complete tasks at work, and making mistakes, etc.

I am not quite sure how exactly, but listening to him speak about a difficult topic helped me in those few moments. I can't fully explain it, other than saying that I came away with a belief that I don't have to be defined exclusively by what I have done. The definition of who I am is so much more.

whew...long post that was! I blame it on all the writing I am supposed to be doing for school! :)


Last week I admitted to my boss that I have no vision as to where the division of the organization that I work for was going. I did not know the steps it would take to get it where it needed to go. I was terrified to admit this, mainly because I felt as though at some level this was an unwritten responsibility of mine. Not because it exists in my job description but, because there has been a void as of late. Specifically, the division I work in is in "maintenance" stage. The tires have air in them, the oil checks are done, and the spark plugs are change,etc. But no new accessories are added like a GPS system, no body paint has been sprayed, nothing new and shiny, if you will. So, the question for me is am I good at keeping it at its maintenance stage. Am I good at my job?

This question of vision has been coming around a lot to me lately. I do not have a clue of where I will be after I finish school. I don't even know if anyone will even consider me, even after I receive my degree. My assumption is that the work and effort I am putting into going back to school will afford me a better paying career, and propel me into a life's work I can be proud of. The question for me is, what is that work? And can I begin it now before school starts.

The first dilemma presented to me is this: What field? Currently, I embrace all things customer service if you will. I think that my self-efficacy is high when I am serving others in this way. But, this new decision to go into the field of Sociology is serving, yes, but whom? Do I work with organizations who serve the poor or help the homeless, researching hopefully along the way how to improve peoples' lives? Or could I work for organizations that deal with adoptions, or the elderly.

Mostly, I look for inspiration. But, I have yet to find a specific field that I can see myself in every single day. That is the part about being an Aquarius that can be a little frustrating. We can become very passionate and then just as quickly lose that passion and move onto something else.

And it all goes back to my term for this season of my life: eudaimonia

I just want to find out what it is I am purposed here for, and that everything that I am doing is furthering me to that point.


I am at home resting from having a sinus infection. boo hoo. I watched Oprah interview Michael Moore, the anti-Bush guy who did the documentary Sicko. I wish I knew more on this subject of healthcare in America and in other countries. One of the audience members was from Canada and said that even though care is granted to them, there are large waiting lists. Hmmm...In a society such as ours, I am not sure we can embrace universal healthcare when those types of issues arrive. I work at Starbucks where the average person receives a latte in the time of one minute. Now, a long wait is considered five to seven minutes. Sometimes, we receive complaints from our customers about waiting. seven minutes of their life spent on a beverage that will be consumed maybe even in that amount of time. So, here's my question, in a immediate gratification expectancy, can we justify waiting eighteen months for care from a specialist? I don't think so. The answer is not quite so simple as universal health care, even though as a human being, I really believe in it.

In other news, I snapped at my roommate today. I interrupted her to the point to where she would not engage with me anymore regarding the story she was telling me. It just wasn't worth it to her. Instead of giving her the decency of finishing her story, she just said, "no, I'm done. I don't have anything to say." And then, I read a motivational email that said to be grateful when our flaws are brought to the surface so it can show us what we still have yet to improve on...yippee? Oh, how far I have to go in this process of being an upright, conciencous, selfless human being.

Lastly, I have been swamped with school lately. I go online, so it should not be that difficult. But, I find it hard to time crunch and fit everything in. I am finished with my cultural perspectives class. And now I am on to Social Psychology which is a bit more easy for my brain to digest. In essence, I am studying about "myself". I think so much of myself as it is, so this class shouldn't be too difficult!

And I got to watch a little bit of the Olympics this weekend, and enjoyed seeing some of the events that will make the history books, including the 41 year old mom, that I think should inspire us all regarding what we are capable of doing.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

just a few things on my mind...

wow. I have not written in over a month. I cannot believe I did not write at all in July. I cannot believe I am wrapping up on a political perspectives class, and am actually, for the most part, doing well in it. Well, let's back up...I have a paper that's due tomorrow, that is worth about a 1/5 of the class grade, and I haven't even started on it. Well, I started the introduction, and my thesis...I am about to go work at Starbucks, and then...come home, lock myself into my room...and write, write, write.

Right now, it's all in my head. It sounds brilliant in my head. Most things do.

This week I facebooked that all I wanted was some eudiamonia. That's one of those words that I forget what it means as soon as I read the definition in the dictionary...But, it is definitely one of those things that I desire. If you go on you will find two definitions for it. I am in love with the word because it speaks of what I am after. I want to live day after day with a real sense of accomplishment and vision. I want to be able to look at myself five years down the road, and "shake hands with that person" and go, wow, I am excited about where I am going. Right now, I cannot see anything 5 days in front of me, much less than five years. And I wake up thinking am I just living a fake life, and wondering if I am going to be found out.

But something that I am not is apathetic about work. I enjoy work, even the "two jobs" as frustrating as it can be sometimes...I am grateful for what these jobs have afforded me. I have been able to pay off my car along with other debt. What is up with some of those in my generation, and the generation after me that just sees fit to complain about their job, and just incessantly complain about how much they hate work, and hate their job? Now, I must remember that with my "positivity" theme, I don't actually do well with negativity. So, that is one aspect of why that gets under my skin so...but the other part. I just don't know why it is so easy to complain. I am not talking about the types of jobs where there are problems, and one discusses such and hopes to solve or diminish the problems and venting along the way. I mean the type of complaining with no resolution in the end.

Is the whole generation doing this? I think we all could use some edemame, er, eudiamonia.