Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am at home resting from having a sinus infection. boo hoo. I watched Oprah interview Michael Moore, the anti-Bush guy who did the documentary Sicko. I wish I knew more on this subject of healthcare in America and in other countries. One of the audience members was from Canada and said that even though care is granted to them, there are large waiting lists. Hmmm...In a society such as ours, I am not sure we can embrace universal healthcare when those types of issues arrive. I work at Starbucks where the average person receives a latte in the time of one minute. Now, a long wait is considered five to seven minutes. Sometimes, we receive complaints from our customers about waiting. seven minutes of their life spent on a beverage that will be consumed maybe even in that amount of time. So, here's my question, in a immediate gratification expectancy, can we justify waiting eighteen months for care from a specialist? I don't think so. The answer is not quite so simple as universal health care, even though as a human being, I really believe in it.

In other news, I snapped at my roommate today. I interrupted her to the point to where she would not engage with me anymore regarding the story she was telling me. It just wasn't worth it to her. Instead of giving her the decency of finishing her story, she just said, "no, I'm done. I don't have anything to say." And then, I read a motivational email that said to be grateful when our flaws are brought to the surface so it can show us what we still have yet to improve on...yippee? Oh, how far I have to go in this process of being an upright, conciencous, selfless human being.

Lastly, I have been swamped with school lately. I go online, so it should not be that difficult. But, I find it hard to time crunch and fit everything in. I am finished with my cultural perspectives class. And now I am on to Social Psychology which is a bit more easy for my brain to digest. In essence, I am studying about "myself". I think so much of myself as it is, so this class shouldn't be too difficult!

And I got to watch a little bit of the Olympics this weekend, and enjoyed seeing some of the events that will make the history books, including the 41 year old mom, that I think should inspire us all regarding what we are capable of doing.

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