Saturday, January 19, 2008

father, daddy, papa

so many names for one individual who is shrouded in mystery. not abba, father of jesus…my very own flesh & blood, biological one…I lost contact with him so long ago. at an early age, one where you say yes ma’am and no sir and just do as your told…that sort of age, before the rebellion kicks in. i had so many questions back then, questions that I’d still like answered. so the wondering i am doing now is the question of is it even worth going down the rabbit hole…maybe i am too old to go chasing….it is amazing to me how me, i myself can be so complicated. i just spent an entire day watching season 3 of LOST, and doing absolutely nothing. but, yet, checking my email, linking to and it brings me to a world of finding answers, and a dream i so desperately want—reuniting with my father…that’s on my list…my little “life list” if you will…some things on this list are quite silly, and some cut through the surface layers of who i am…deep. i am wondering if our physical body mimics our soul/spirit, whatever one calls the other complex part of us…the one that cannot be seen with the eyes…our skin has layers upon layers…and so does the will, heart, and emotion of a man…”a man’s heart is like deep waters”...isn’t that how the proverb begins…

do I want to go into the water, or am i afraid of drowning. you see, i never learned how to swim…

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