Wednesday, November 28, 2007

telling stories... will be rambling at its finest...

Is it wrong to want to be famous? I don't want to be the sort of Paris Hilton/Brittney Spears sort of famous, but the kind that's under the radar, non-glamorous, almost unimportant. I have been feeling lately that I want to share stories, individuals' stories that might not otherwise make it on paper.

how does one go about doing this? and is this a silly request? I am no journalist. I am no reporter. I am not capable of such things. So, the question is where is this coming from? this strange desire that makes no sense to me....

It seems to be driving me as of late. I can't escape it even when I try to diminish the thought by rationalization...explaining that I am not cut out for such kind of work, detailed, literary. This kind of work requires someone perhaps smarter than I am, one with an education, experience,etc. yet, this feeling of "storytelling" is still there. It does not escape....

these are the reasons why I wish i could meet myself 5, 10, 0r 20 years from now...I want to see what this hickish, small-town girl is doing with her life...what has she accomplished?

maybe the story is just a simple one of having a little money, great friends, and just some local interests(dancing, volunteering, etc)

if so, why all these outlandish thoughts in my head??? maybe I just like telling stories to myself to feel better about my lack of vision....hmmm....

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