Sunday, June 29, 2008

definitely, maybe, definitely

I just finished watching the movie Definitely, Maybe this weekend. It was okay, for a romantic comedy, I guess. I didn't have so much a problem with the plot as much as I had a problem with the part at the end.

Movies like this get me every time...I get pulled in emotionally, and I hate it. Towards the end of the movie, the dad says to the daughter, "You're the happy ending." Why does that get to me so? Because it opens up the old wound of not knowing, meeting, having a relationship with my dad. It's not that I don't have a good relationship with him. It's that the relationship is non-existent.

In other news, I have had a really great time this weekend with my roomates. And I want the weekend to last longer. I am glad that Friday is July 4th. Woohoo!

I am getting sleepy, so this can of worms post that I have just opened up, is going to have to close...maybe more next time....definitely...good night.

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